Join us for our Building Celebration of Life Service as we take time actively acknowledging the grief that comes with loss and transition. Jesus' disciples thought that they had no leader, no direction and no hope. Yet, as Jesus rose above the human dimensions the essence of His light was the guiding light for all to follow. We are in a season of transition and celebration as well.
Let's take time during this sacred service to feel the grief that the disciples felt holding the idea of the loss of life with Jesus and know that we are also in a period of grief with the idea of moving out of our current building.
We cherish the love, the memories, and the spiritual growth that has happened while we have dedicated ourselves to the current building. Our feelings of loss are real and in order to move forward we must feel the feelings and release them.
With this, we are celebrating the life of the church building on 2nd and Jackson. We will take time to hold our memories dear. Those memories will go with us on our journey and help to remind us of the hard work and dedication that was held here. Please join us as we celebrate the life of the building!